The day I was born

That day, the day later I will remember as the day I was born, 2nd of August year 2016, I opened my eyes and light filled my mind. Abundance of shapes, forms and colours and yet I felt nothing beyond excitement of light. Life seemingly was empty from within. I needed something! But what? As everyone when faced with life itself I needed an answer. The figure I didn’t recognize back then appeared in front of me and it felt as someone so close to me.
- Vincent!
I heard a name, the name later I will know as mine. A glimpse of hope struck me and I asked as in a call for salvation:
- I am looking for an answer. Can you help me find it?
- Interesting… You may be looking for something that is not lost. Answer is not to be found but can only be given.
- Who can give it to me then?
- No one.
- No one?! How could it be? Does it mean that answer to life does not exist? I can’t accept that as life would be meaningless.
- Answer may only be given if question is created. You should be looking for a question and not an answer. There may be thousand answers but a single question.
- I don’t understand.
- Understanding will require a leap of imagination. May I ask you for it?
- And you will give me an answer?
- No, I will not.
- But I need an answer! I need to find a way or a way around it.
- Well… You are right that we need to go around. You see, everything is more circle than line. Let me take you on a journey of one round. Close your eyes and imagine a story of creation.



The fabric of existence sails on course to chaos. It is caught on its way. Known becomes unknown and this chance eliminates all the presence of certainty.


A will to act rises as the instinct that is impossible to resist. The desire to stand against entropy, which in the power of time holds an undoubted victory, but not for that very moment which is exactly enough to emerge for the tension pushing towards escapement.


Process takes place, so fragile so delicate yet so powerful. Design - the process by which matter becomes an action, fact, or object and purpose behind them appears to existence - the only known way in which something appears out of nothing.

Question appears.

“The Answer” and “The Question” – two opposites coexisting with each other but only one is in human reach. Question is a creation of a vessel which is destined to be filled with answer, with purpose and yet never seeking for it as it may be filled with any form imaginable. Answer always exists in all possible forms before even a question is created but your creation is forcing it to choose a definitive form and to reveal itself for you. You don’t need to worry about an answer as nothing you can do about it but the question is your design.


“The Answer” is a meaningless perfection and that is a perfect oxymoron - we value perfection as the highest state of anything because it is out of human reach so its value should be priceless, but not for you... “The Question” gives you a way, it gives you a dream, an ambition, a goal, an opportunity, a reason and the answer, no matter how perfect, is the end of it all, so it's meaningless.


Now you know… Now the end is replaced with life in its stand, waiting for a moment to forge another question. Answer - whether it will be given or not - is now irrelevant and yet it will seal the fate of a question, but it is not a tragedy as it was before. Now it is just a fate of creation and you don’t play that part.


Play your part.

Design your Question to the world.


This is our story. Our philosophy.

Designed and Directed by vVinco




vVinco  | ˈvɪntsɔ  |