We have never ever looked for any inspiration, never looked for any examples or solutions of designs we are working on, never copied, never used anything from any other work, humans or machines, and we never will. Our believe is that if you need an inspiration to do something then the work you chose to do is not for you to be done. We are not looking for a reason to do something - we feel the need to do it.It is a testament we feel the need to express as the reader may have questions. Besides the absolute importance of being original there is one thing we encourage to keep in mind - design is not an art - you design with humanity in mind and not yourself - everything from a first line to the last dot must be for an unquestionable reason. Stay true, stay original no matter the price and even if you do it only for yourself.Our world enables path from ordinary nothing to ordinary something but there is no known path to something extraordinary and yet someone always arrives.